Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

Check out the latest PSRC happenings...
(Note: To view current job postings - click here)
Placing a Job Posting on the PSRC Website
Advertising an employment opportunity on the PSRC "Job Posting" page is available for a fee of $150 per ad.
Postings will remain for up to three months and can be changed or removed at any time upon request. This includes changing the posting to advertise a different position at no additional charge.
To place an advertisement, send an email to and include all information you'd like to appear in the posting. This information can be supplied as a WORD or PDF file or simply typed into the email message body. If you have a digital image of the company's logo, please attach that as well.
Once we receive your email with the ad information, it will be posted within 1-2 business days.
Send a check payable to "PSRC" in the amount of $150 and mail to:
c/o 412 Edgehill Road
York, PA 17403
Or complete the form and pay online via PayPal with Credit Card: CLICK HERE