Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

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PSRC Lifetime Achievement Award
In 2016, the PSRC began awarding the PSRC Lifetime Achievement Award to honor a PSRC member annually who has best demonstrated throughout their career the qualities of excellence, compassion, collaboration, volunteerism, and extreme competence to the field of Respiratory Care. It is an honor bestowed on those that personify the dedication and spirit of those committed to the practice of respiratory care and best exemplify the mission and vision of the PSRC.
Award Nomination Criteria
In order to be eligible for nomination, the nominee must meet the following criteria:
Nominee must have maintained AARC / PSRC membership for a period of at least ten (10) years or longer.
The nominee must have a demonstrated relationship to the field of Respiratory Care for a period of at least 10 years or longer during their career.
The nominee must have demonstrated a significant contribution to the PSRC during their career. Examples of significant contribution include serving as a member of the PSRC Board of Directors and/or serving as a member or chair of one or more PSRC committees.
(Note: Members may be nominated posthumously.)
2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
Congratulations to Gail Varcelotti, BS, RRT

Mrs. Varcelotti’s long and distinguished career in respiratory therapy began with graduation from the BSRT program from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1977. Since the start of her career, she has demonstrated a passion for education and service to the profession. After a few short years in the pulmonary function lab, Gail became the director of clinical education at the Hamot Medical Center Respiratory Therapy School and continued to grow this program as the program director when it transitioned to Gannon University for the next 13 years growing it into a premier Respirator Therapy Program. Upon leaving Gannon University she continued her passion for education in the form of professional development for not only respiratory therapists but all practicing medical professionals in private practice where she continues today.
Her volunteerism for the profession was weaved into her practice from the beginning. Gail has been a steadfast member of the PSRC for over 40 years leading the northwestern and southwestern districts since her inception on the board in 1980. She has been the district director for multiple terms and has been part of the district conference planning committee including serving as committee chair for several years. She has also taken each district director that proceeded her under her wing to mentor and support them in their role. Gail served several terms on the executive committee as Secretary and Delegate, including her current term as Sr. Delegate. In addition to Gail’s elected positions on the PSRC, she also served on many committees over the years including bylaws, membership, and government affairs where she represented the PSRC for numerous state and national legislative lobbying days. Gail has been very generous with her time and service to the PSRC President over the years, especially when appointed to step in and finish the term of an elected member that needed to step down, and was seated for several Delegate meetings to represent the PSRC.
In addition to her roles with the PSRC, Gail has also served the AARC on the membership committee, on the Political Action Committee, and as a judge for the sputum bowl. While serving her terms as Delegate for the PSRC, she participated on many HOD committees including bylaws, orientation, chartered affiliates, and resolutions committees.
We are so grateful for Gail’s service to the PSRC and AARC and feel she is most deserving of the lifetime achievement award from the PSRC.
Past Lifetime Achievement Winners

2022 Lynda Napoli,

2020 Kenneth Miller

2020 Douglas Albright
(posthumous award)

2021 Chris Tino,

2019 Robert Shellenberger

2018 Kenneth Kraut

2017 Bradley A. Leidich