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Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

Check out the latest PSRC happenings...
PSRC Endorsed
Education Programs
"Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know..." Daniel J. Boorstin

Application for PSRC Event Endorsement
Thank you for your interest in obtaining PSRC endorsement of your continuing education event. An event endorsed by the PSRC is one for which the PSRC has no financial interest in the revenues or expenses incurred from the event. Additionally, the PSRC Educational Committee has reviewed the educational content of the program and approved as being appropriate for continuing education for respiratory therapists in the state.
An application and a list of all requirements for endorsement can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE
Event Endorsement Payment
Send a check payable to "PSRC" and mail to:
PSRC Event Endorsement
c/o 412 Edgehill Road
York, PA 17403
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