Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

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PSRC Department of the Year Award
2023 Nominations are now OPEN!
The PSRC Departm ent of the Year Award recognizes outstanding departments, managed and staffed primarily by Respiratory Care Practitioners. The PSRC may honor DOY to all outstanding departments meeting criteria. Criteria increases each stage to progressively prepare departments for AARC APEX criteria with the highest level of PSRC award being higher standards than the APEX award.
Examples of award criteria include but are not limited to:
Percentage of RRT Credential
Percentage of AARC membership amongst staff
Percentage of advanced degrees amongst staff (BS, MS, etc.)
Annual competency testing
Clinical ladder availability
Participation on interdisciplinary committees
Availability of High School student job shadowing
Availability of evidence-based policies/protocols
To view the full criteria - CLICK HERE
Nominations for this award are accepted from the PSRC membership during a nominations period. All nominations are then de-identified and submitted to the awards committee for consideration. The winning departments are then notified and announced publicly via an email to the general membership and online.
To submit a nomination, use the following link - submit nomination
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