Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

Check out the latest PSRC happenings...
Continuing Respiratory Care Education Programs
"Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know..." Daniel J. Boorstin

PSRC "Live" Webinar page Click Here for more information on our live events!
PSRC Webinar Bundle Program - Join the Bundle Program to attend ALL four Webinars for the price of 3 Webinars. CLICK HERE to Join! Joined after first webinar, receive 4-8 Non-Traditional Course Registrations. Pick from the options on our Non-Traditional Page.​
About PSRC Sponsored & Endorsed Educational Events
The list above contains upcoming events that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the PSRC. Sponsorship indicates that the PSRC is solely responsible for the content and presentation of the program and related activities. Co-sponsorship indicates that the PSRC shares responsibility for the content and presentation of the program with another group or groups. All sponsored and co-sponsored PSRC events offer continuing education hours that are accredited by the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC). The PSRC also endorses other educational programs. Endorsement indicates that the PSRC has reviewed the content of the programs offered and found them to be of high quality and value for Respiratory Therapists. Courses offered by endorsed providers meet the accreditation requirements set by the State Board of Medicine & Osteopathic Medicine for Respiratory Therapist licensure. Click Here for a listing of upcoming endorsed educational events.